Access a Field#
Go code:
Equivalent reflect code:
Given an object with a field of a known name, use Value.FieldByName
obj := reflect.ValueOf(Object)
field := obj.FieldByName("Field")
If Field were the 2nd field on obj, this would be equivalent:
field := obj.Field(1)
Value.Field will panic if there is no nth field, so use Value.NumField to make sure that
n < obj.NumField()
There is also a Value.FieldByIndex, which takes a slice of int's. For each int in the slice, it calls Field on, first, the reflect.Value it was invoked on, and after that on the result of the last invocation of Field. So
is equivalent to
obj.Field([]int{1, 2, 3})
is equivalent to
FieldByIndex is primarily useful if you are keeping analysis of a type separate from manipulation of values of that type. This is common, for example, in serialization code that builds a table of what to serialize given a type and then given a value looks the type up in a table and processes the entry using the already computed recipe.